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Couverture de Vous avez dit Pauvres d'Esprit ?, par Martine Bouju, éd. Chemins de tr@verse 2011

Did you say Poor in Spirit? - Martine Bouju

  • 6.99 €

Testimony, essay

We meet them in the subway, in the street, in stores. They look like us, but we don't recognize them, because something in them shocks us... Words, gait, looks... They disturb us. We call them "poor in spirit", we calculate their IQ.

We organize their ghettos, we invent their tribe, we reject them to the outskirts of our cities, to the outskirts of our hearts. Our refusal to live with them intensifies their differences, deepens their solitude, increases their suffering.

I traveled with them for many years. I found people rich in tenderness and hope, eager to be understood and respected. I invite the reader to share some stages of this journey, because it is also a look at each of us that it refers us to.

Martine Bouju

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Digital book

ISBN 978-2-313-00194-3
Ebook (PDF, ePub, Mobi) - 180 p. (2011)

Paper book

ISBN 978-2-313-00196-7
Paper book - 186 p. (2011)

Digital book | Paper book (17€)

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ISBN 978-2-313-00194-3

Ebook (PDF, ePub, Mobi) - 180 p. (2011)

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