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Eric Durand-Billaud

The lonely death. The impossible mourning. The cruel feeling of guilt of not having been able to hold a hand, to offer a known, loved, loving, reassuring face, in a chilling universe of masks, visors, tubes, noises, alarms; everything that makes us feel the hospital as so inhuman, while those who devote themselves there offer us the best of humanity. For millions of children, parents, spouses, lovers, friends, the COVID-19 epidemic will have been an unthinkable ordeal of brutality and inhumanity of death. Many families have been deprived of hospital visits or have not been able to accompany their loved ones during their last moments.

It is this experience, initially insurmountable, of the death of his spouse and long-time companion, in the hospital during COVID-19, which is described in this book by Éric Durand-Billaud, a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The author wanted to share here, with his readers, the slow and arduous journey he undertook to combat what specialists call traumatic grief as well as the solutions he instinctively tried to find.

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Paper ISBN: 978-2-313-00656-6

284 p., A5 format

Digital book - 276 p. (2022)

Digital ISBN: 978-2-313-00657-3

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Ruhaud Etienne
Parue dans Actualitté

Autobiographie au sens strict, journal de deuil (pour reprendre l’expression chère à Barthes), L’amputation constitue de surcroît un texte hybride, mêlant donc confessions personnelles, souvenirs amoureux, réflexions sociétales et philosophiques. Éric Durand-Billaud s’interroge abondamment sur l’accueil des familles endeuillées à l’hôpital, sur la nécessité d’un meilleur accompagnement dans l’épreuve.

Sans devenir militant de la cause gay, l’homme interroge également l’évolution de la condition homosexuelle, en abordant le thème du mariage pour tous, lui-même ayant épousé Patrice, franc-maçon progressiste engagé en faveur d’un changement de statut. Enfin, face à la disparition, Éric Durand-Billaud se questionne sur la mort, et plus généralement sur le sens de la vie, trouvant dans l’amour une forme de salut.[...]
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