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Couverture de "Les stratégies des multinationales - éléments pour une approche critique de la société néolibérale" de Luca Marsi, éd. Chemins de tr@verse 2013

The strategies of multinationals. Elements for a critical approach to neoliberal society - Luca Marsi

  • 9.99 €

Academic work

The Strategies of Multinationals opens the debate on a subject traditionally reserved for business experts, by placing it in a much broader scope. Particularly well written, based on varied and concrete examples, this book will be enlightening for everyone: citizens keen to understand the behind the scenes, students, economic players or analysts, but also marketing and business strategy specialists who will find a counterpoint to traditional approaches and, certainly, food for thought.

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Digital book
ISBN 978-2-313-00492-0
Ebook (PDF) - 257 p. (2013)
Paper book
ISBN 978-2-313-00493-7
Paper book - 260 p. (2013)

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